Saturday, September 14, 2013

Java : Reflection

Java : Reflection

Reflection is the process of examining or modifying the runtime behavior of a class at runtime.

Java.lang.Class class
* provide methods to get the metadata of a class at runtime
* provide methods to examine and change the runtime behavior of a class.

Get the object of Class class
- forName() method of Class class
- getClass() method of Object class
- the .class syntax

* forName() is used to load class dynamically.
* returns the instance of Class class
* should be use full qualify name of the class

* Returns the instance of Class class.
* It should be use if the object is available.

The .class syntax
If a type is available but there is no instance then it is possible to obtain a Class by appending “.class” to the name of the type.
This can be used to Primitive Data Type also.

package O1Concepts.Reflection;

* @author sanjeeva
* Reflection - is the process of examining or modifying the runtime behavior of a class at runtime
* forName()
* getClass()
* .class
public class Reflection {

      * @param args
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            Reflection reflection = new Reflection();

      private void execute(){

            try {
                 //forName() ..
                 Class cls = Class.forName("O1Concepts.Reflection.Simple");
                 System.out.println("Name[ forName() ] --> " + cls.getName());

                 //getClass() ...
                 Simple simple = new Simple();
                 Class objClass = simple.getClass();
                 System.out.println("Name[ getClass() ] --> " + objClass.getName());

                 Class<Integer> type = Integer.class;
                 System.out.println("Name[ .class :1 ] --> " + type.getName());

                 Class<Reflection> ref = Reflection.class;
                 System.out.println("Name[ .class :2 ] --> " + ref.getName());

            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

Output -
Name[ forName() ] --> O1Concepts.Reflection.Simple
Name[ getClass() ] --> O1Concepts.Reflection.Simple
Name[ .class :1 ] --> java.lang.Integer
Name[ .class :2 ] --> O1Concepts.Reflection.Reflection